Acessórios já muito utilizados no passado, voltam ao uso e a moda, ninguém gosta de ficar derretendo nesse calor brasileiro, então como dizem por ai, "brasileiro é um bicho criativo", e não temos medo de fazer moda, moda essa que nos ajuda ao mesmo tempo que lançamos tendências.
LEQUES: Os primeiros leques foram usados no período de 1670 a 1930 pela elite européia e se tornou símbolo de luxo e elegância.

SOMBRINHAS: Na história conta que as mais antigas apareceram na Mesopotâmia, há 3400 anos e assim como o leque trouxe muito requinte nas suas respectivas épocas.
CHAPÉU: Já 4.500 a. C, o chapéu aparecia, com uma utilidade indispensável, ele veio para para ficar, e dificilmente sairá de moda.
Accessories already widely used in the past, return to use and stylish, nobody likes to be melting in the Brazilian heat, then as the saying goes, "Singapore is a creative creature," and we are not afraid of making fashion this fashion that helps us to same time we launched trends.
FANS: The first fans were used in the period 1670-1930 by the European elite and became a symbol of luxury and elegance.
Umbrella: The story goes that the older appeared in Mesopotamia 3400 years ago and as the range has brought great refinement in their respective eras.
HAT: Has 4,500. C, the hat appeared, with an indispensable utility, he came to stay, and hardly go out of style.
FANS: The first fans were used in the period 1670-1930 by the European elite and became a symbol of luxury and elegance.
Umbrella: The story goes that the older appeared in Mesopotamia 3400 years ago and as the range has brought great refinement in their respective eras.
HAT: Has 4,500. C, the hat appeared, with an indispensable utility, he came to stay, and hardly go out of style.
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